Human Service -- Webhook
Última actualización:2024-07-29

Human Service -- Webhook

When developers choose webhook as the method for accessing human handoff services, they first need to build a Webhook receiving service in their own server environment, providing the following three interfaces to receive human handoff services requests initiated by the Agent and to receive messages.

Create Conversation ID

Used to create a human handoff services conversation ID for Agent users.

Request Method


Request URL


Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
conversation_id string Conversation ID, needs to be transparently passed to GPTBots in the customer service reply interface
timestamp long Timestamp
email string Customer email
bot_id string Agent ID
body list<Object> Message body
body.message_type string Message type, QUESTION/ANSWER
body.text string Customer-initiated question for human customer service, including context


Parameter Type Description
code int Response code
message string Details

Chat Interface

Agent users send messages to human handoff services.

Request Method


Request URL


Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
conversation_id string Conversation ID, needs to be propagated to GPTBots in the human handoff services reply interface
timestamp long Timestamp
body string Message content


Parameter Type Description
code int Response code
message string Details

Close Session Interface

Triggered when the user conversation times out or when the Agent user actively closes the conversation.

Request Method


Request URL


Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
conversation_id string Conversation ID, needs to be propagated to GPTBots in the human handoff services reply interface
timestamp long Timestamp
type string Type of closure, TIMEOUT (timeout) / USER_CLOSED (user-initiated closure)


Parameter Type Description
code int Response code
message string Details

GPTBots human handoff Service Interface

When developers choose webhook as the method for accessing human services, GPTBots provides an API interface for receiving human handoff services reply messages and conversation control commands sent by developers.

Receive human handoff services Messages

Used to receive reply messages from the developer's end human handoff services, and the message content will be displayed in the Agent conversation window.

Request Method


Request URL

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
conversation_id string Conversation ID, propagated in the conversation creation interface and chat interface true
timestamp long Timestamp true
body string human handoff services reply content true


Parameter Type Description
code int Response code
message string Details
timestamp long Timestamp
body string Content of the human handoff services reply


Parameter Type Description
code int Response code
message string Details

human handoff services Closes Session

human handoff services can choose to actively close the conversation when needed. Once closed, the user will no longer receive messages from human handoff services unless the user initiates a new human handoff services conversation.

Request Method


Request URL

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
conversation_id string Conversation ID, needs to be passed through to GPTBots in the human handoff services reply interface
timestamp long Timestamp


Parameter Type Description Required
conversation_id string Conversation ID, passed in the session creation interface and chat interface, passthrough is sufficient true
timestamp long Timestamp true