Generate Suggested Questions
Last updated:2024-03-01

Generate Suggested Questions

Based on the agent's response in the conversation, provide the user with several questions that can be used to continue the chat.

Request Method


Request URL

Request Authentication

See Overview for authentication details.


Request Example

curl --location '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer your_apikey'
          curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your_apikey'

This code block in the floating window

Request Headers

Field Type Description
Authorization Bearer ${token} Use Authorization: Bearer ${token} for authentication. Get the key from the API Keys page as token.
Content-Type application/json Data type, set to application/json.

Request Body

Field Type Required Description
answer_id string true Message ID of the Agent's response.


Response Example

{ "questions": [ "What kind of support do you need about the product?", "Do you have any questions about our service?", "Do you have any advices about our product?" ] }
    "questions": [
        "What kind of support do you need about the product?",
        "Do you have any questions about our service?",
        "Do you have any advices about our product?"

This code block in the floating window

Suceess Response

Field Type Description
questions Array Generated questions.

Failure Response

Field Type Description
code int Error code.
message string Error details.

Error Codes

Code Message
40000 Invalid parameter
40379 Credit not enough
200222 Agent configuration does not support this feature.
40378 Agent deleted
20055 API is forbidden
40127 Developer authentication failed