
Jacob Morrow

2024-09-20 17:44:42

13521 Views, 7 min read

Wix is a powerful no-code website builder that powers around 10.8 million websites globally. Although the platform provides an intuitive way to create simple to complex websites, the competitive era demands more than just that. Chatbots are becoming a new essential in websites to provide customers with instant responses to their queries.

Therefore, the need to create a Wix chatbot is increasing among businesses to increase customer engagement and gain a competitive edge.

There is no rocket science to create and integrate a chatbot for Wix. In this guide, we will cover the basics and necessity of the Wix chatbot and discuss the simple steps to create and integrate the Wix AI chatbot.

[Full Guide] How to Add a Chatbot to Your Wix Website Without Coding

Part 1. What Is a Wix Chatbot?

A Wix chatbot is software that integrates with your Wix website and engages with visitors through human-like conversations. It functions as a virtual customer support representative who is available 24/7 and answers customers' queries.

what is a wix chatbot

A Wix AI chatbot can:

  • Answer FAQs of customers.
  • Assist in setting appointments.
  • Provide personalized product recommendations.
  • Handle order-related queries (process, track, and return orders).
  • Generate leads with a proactive approach.
  • Handoff chat to a human agent when needed.

In the background, the Wix AI chatbot is powered by advanced AI models like OpenAI's GPT-4o, which can intelligently interpret customer queries, search through pre-trained data, and provide a response.

This way, an AI chatbot for Wix can handle almost all FAQs and many complex queries without human intervention.

Part 2. Why Do You Need a Chatbot for a Wix Website?

why do you need a chatbot for a wix website

A chatbot for the Wix website is a necessity rather than a choice in today's high-tech era. To better understand why you need a chatbot Wix, check out the below benefits it brings to the table:

  • 24/7 Customer Support: Whether the customer visits your website early in the morning or late at night, they will receive a response instantly.
  • Automated Issues Resolution: A Wix AI chatbot can handle most common queries without human intervention.
  • Lower Workload on Human Agents: Human agents only need to focus on complex queries instead of handling all types of queries.
  • Consistent Responses: It provides consistent and high-quality responses to all customers.
  • Scalability: As the business flourishes, Wix's chatbot can easily handle more interactions without requiring additional resources.
  • Multilingual Support: For businesses with global customers, the Wix chatbot can respond in multiple languages.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: It offers faster ROI due to reduced operational costs and the need for a small support team.

All the above benefits with Wix chatbot help the business offer a better customer experience and get a competitive edge over others. That's why it is essential to create and integrate an AI chatbot for a Wix website.

Part 3. Common Use Cases of Wix Chatbot

There are almost endless use cases of a Wix chatbot for businesses. Considering the growing digitalization trend and AI advancements, chatbots can do a lot for businesses. Here are a few common use cases of Wix Chatbot:

1. Lead Generation

A well-structured chatbot has the potential to increase sales by 67% on average. How? It can act as your lead generation bot. You can use a Wix chatbot to generate leads by suggesting products to customers, providing coupons, and more.

lead generation chatbot example telegram

2. Customer Service

The most common use case for a Wix chatbot is customer service. You can train the chatbot to answer FAQs and handle other queries like how-to steps. A chatbot can handle the entire conversation with customers 69% of the time.

customer service chatbot example 1

3. Shopping Assistant

Wix AI chatbot can provide shopping assistance to customers before, during, and after purchasing. It can suggest products based on their needs, process/track/return orders, and do a lot more. Interestingly, Juniper Research reports that e-commerce chatbot transactions are estimated to touch $112 billion by 2024.

e-commerce chatbot example

4. Healthcare

If your Wix website is for your healthcare service, like a dental clinic, you can reduce a lot of repetitive work with the chatbot. An AI chatbot can help schedule appointments, answer queries about symptoms, share the fee plan, and more.

healthcare chatbot example

Part 4. How to Add Live Chat to Your Wix Website - GPTBots

Currently, Wix does not offer a native feature to create and integrate the chatbot. So, you need to rely on a reliable third-party chatbot builder. That's where GPTBots comes into action.

GPTBots is a no-code chatbot builder platform. Its advanced and feature-rich builder helps you create a full-fledged Wix AI chatbot. It provides a visual interface to design the chatbot's flow and a click-based process to train the bot with your corporate knowledge base.

You can create different types of chatbots with GPTBots, as follows:

  • Customer service
  • Lead generation
  • SEO content writing
  • Data analysis
  • And many more.

GPTBots also offers many pre-designed templates to quickly create commonly used chatbots for Wix.

gptbots main feature

The summary of key features of GPTBots is as follows:

  • Visual, no-code chatbot builder interface.
  • Train chatbot with company knowledge base by uploading PDFs, docs, spreadsheets, URLs, and more.
  • Enhance chatbot intelligence by integrating large language models (LLMs) such as GPT, Baidu ERNIE, Meta Llama, etc.
  • Pre-designed templates for fast chatbot creation.
  • Instant chatbot-human handoff.
Get Started For Free

Simply put, GPTBots provides a complete chatbot builder platform for businesses to create a fully functional Wix chatbot.

Follow these steps to create and integrate a Wix AI chatbot with GPTBots:

  • Step 1. Head to the GPTBots.ai and create an account. From the home screen, click New Bot > Create from Blank or pick a template.

  • Create a New Bot

  • Step 2. Next, you have to configure the bot settings. So, choose the LLM model, response format, maximum response length, and other details. Pay special attention to "Identity Prompt" and clearly explain bot roles, skills, and tasks.

  • Bot Settings

  • Step 3. After configuring the settings, go to Knowledge > Documents. Upload all the data related to the company knowledge base to train the chatbot.

  • Add Documents to GPTBots

  • Step 4. Once trained, you should debug to see how well the chatbot is responding. For that, go back to the Config panel and use the Debug option to check the bot responses.

  • chatfuel

  • Step 5. By this step, you have created the chatbot. Now, the last step is to link the chatbot with Wix.

GPTBots gives you the option to integrate the chatbot as a bubble widget. This widget will be located on the corner of your website and can pop up in the chat window when the customer clicks it.

The steps to integrate the chatbot with the Wix using the bubble widget are as follows:

  • 1. From GPTBots, go to the "Integration" tab and click "Bubble Widget".

  • integrate with bubble widget

  • 2. Copy the integration code.

  • bubble widget link

  • 3. If you want to change the widget name, logo, or UI, click the "Custom UI" section and make changes.

  • customize ui

  • 4. Go to the Wix.com editor and pick your edit page. Tap the "Add" button, insert the HTML code, and click "Save".

  • html code add wix website

  • 5. Customize the chatbot interface, like width, alignment, and height.

  • customize chatbot design

That's all! This way, you can smartly create and integrate the Wix AI chatbot using the one-stop GPTBots platform.


Wix chatbots benefit both customers and businesses. They help customers with faster, accurate responses, while businesses enjoy streamlined operations and financial benefits. With platforms like GPTBots, creating and integrating a chatbot into your Wix website has never been easier.

Sign up with GPTBots, get 100 free credits every month, and start building your custom Wix chatbot today!

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Discover how GPTBots can revolutionize your business today.