
Jacob Morrow

2024-07-26 16:05:02

4246 Views, 8 min read

Advancements in large language models (LLMs) are leading the transformative breakthrough in AI. Built on advanced neural network architectures and vast training data, they assist businesses in driving innovation and maximizing their AI potential. That's why there are now dozens of LLM tools for commercial use. In fact, around 750M apps will use LLMs by 2025, automating 50% of digital tasks.

To remain competitive and maximize the use of AI leveraging LLM tools is a must for businesses. Therefore this guide has shortlisted the top 10 LLM tools in 2024 that are ideal to drive AI initiatives in your organization. Lastly this guide will also explain how to customize LLMs for your organization.

LLM Tools

Part 1: What is LLM?

A large language model (LLM) is an AI program that can understand and generate human language text using a transformer architecture trained on massive training data – hence the name "large".

In simple words an LLM is a program that is trained with extensive examples to become capable of identifying and understanding human language or complex data types. It is usually fed by gigabytes of data gathered through the Internet and other sources. The best example here is the LLM ChatGPT which can generate the required content the user wants by interpreting the user inputs.

LLM is built on machine learning using deep learning techniques. Deep learning analyzes the unstructured data probabilistically to recognize uniqueness in different content types without human involvement. Furthermore LLMs are also fine-tuned further to optimize their performance for specific tasks such as writing code translating text understanding protein structures and more.

How does LLM Work?

A typical workflow of a large language model is as follows:

  • Pre-training: It gets trained by an extensive data set of textual data.
  • Transformer Architecture: It uses transformer architecture to process input data.
  • Tokenization: The text is divided into tokens and mapped into vectors within a high-dimensional space.
  • Layer Stacking: Multiple transformer block layers are assembled to capture both positional and contextual nuances of the text.
  • Fine-tuning: It is further fine-tuned to handle specific tasks.
  • Execution: The model is set to understand input text and generate responses.

That's it! This way a typical LLM works from pre-training to delivering the required responses.

Where is LLM used?

Today LLM tools are used in a wide range of applications including:

  • Chatbots
  • Write programs
  • Customer service
  • Online search
  • AI virtual assistant
  • Sentiment analysis
  • And many more.

Overall LLMs can comprehend textual data and generate new text as requested using their pre-trained intelligence.

Part 2: Top 10 LLM Tools

Considering the game-changing potential of LLM there are now dozens of LLM tools readily available for businesses to develop AI solutions. In this perspective below are the top 10 LLM tools dominating the market for their exceptional capabilities:

1. Llama 3.1 405B

Llama 3.1 405B is the largest-ever open-source AI model released by Meta on July 23, 2024. It has 405 billion parameters and is trained with 16,000+ ultra-expensive H100 GPUs from Nvidia. It is outperforming GPT-4o, Anthropic's Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and other models on many benchmarks. It can be used for synthetic data generation, research and experimentation, and more. It also features multimodal capabilities, processing both text and images to generate comprehensive responses and predictions​.

Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Meta) predicts Meta AI will dominate as the most widely used assistant by the end of 2024 due to the launch of open-source Llama 3.1 405B. Therefore, Llama 3.1 is one of the best LLM tools to deploy in 2024. You can try it in the U.S. at meta.ai or on WhatsApp.

Liama 3.1

2. GPT

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is OpenAI's LLM model. There are many variants of GPT available, including GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4, GPT-4o, GPT-4o mini, and more. All these LLM tools can handle human-like conversations on almost any topic. They are accessible with API and are used by countless companies, including Microsoft, Dropbox, Stripe, Zapier, and more. You can easily access GPT through the publicly available ChatGPT tool.


3. Gemini

Just like GPT, Gemini is Google's family of LLM tools. These include Gemini 1.5 Flash, Gemini 1.5 Pro, Gemini 1.0 Pro, Gemini 1.0 Ultra, and more. These AI models can handle a wide range of tasks with their advanced capabilities. For example, Gemini Ultra boasts 540 billion parameters and excels in complex tasks such as coding, mathematical reasoning, and multimodal understanding. In contrast, Gemini 1.5 Pro gives access to the 2 million context window to process extensive documents and data. These models are accessible through Google AI Studio and Vertex AI.


4. Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is the latest LLM model from Anthropic that offers enhanced performance in coding, reasoning, and safety. It outperforms Gemini Pro 1.5 and GPT-4o in many benchmarks. It has a 200K token context window. It is exceptional if you are looking for coding proficiency, graduate-level reasoning, and undergraduate-level knowledge. It is accessible for free on Claude.ai and the Claude iOS app. It is also available through Google Cloud's Vertex AI, Amazon Bedrock, and Anthropic API.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet


BLOOM is another powerful open-source LLM tool with 176 billion parameters. It is an autoregressive multilingual language model trained to continue text from a provided input prompt on vast topics. It can output text in 46 languages and 13 coding languages. It can also be fine-tuned on your data to perform specific tasks. You can use Hugging Face's ecosystem to deploy the model.


6. Cohere

Cohere is an NLP tool that helps developers build LLM-powered applications. It provides pre-trained models that make it easy for developers to adopt advanced language models. Its API is easy to configure and use. You can use it for content creation, summarization, translation, chatbots, and more. Moreover, you can customize this LLM tool to enhance its performance and scalability.


7. Falcon

Falcon is also one of the open-source LLM tools. It has models with around 180 billion parameters and can perform better than GPT-3.5 in many tasks. It can assist in many NLP tasks, like text generation, translation, summarization, and more. It is available on GitHub from where developers can deploy the model.


8. Ernie

Ernie is a series of LLM tools developed by Baidu that can deliver fluent, accurate, and logical responses. It shows exceptional capability in literary creation, mathematical calculation, Chinese language understanding, business writing, multi-modal generation, and mathematical calculation. It is best suited for the Chinese language. It is easily accessible through its API.


9. Mistral 7B

As the name implies, Mistral 7B is a large language model pre-trained with 7 billion parameters. Despite being limited to 7 billion parameters, it outperforms Llama 2 13B on most benchmarks. It is easy to deploy and customizable for business needs. It provides an ideal blend of efficiency and high performance due to sliding window attention (SWA) and grouped-query attention (GQA) in its architecture. You can download it and use it locally, deploy it on the cloud, or use it on HuggingFace.

Mistral 7B

10. MPT-30B

MPT (Mosaic Pretrained Transformer) 30B is a decoder-style transformer. It is pre-trained on 1T tokens from scratch of English code and text. What makes it different from other LLM tools is its 8k token context window, efficient inference + training via FlashAttention, and support for context-length extrapolation via ALiBi. Furthermore, it showcases excellent coding abilities.


Part 3: How to Make LLM Tools Work for You/Your Business

Personalization and customization are the trendy buzzwords in the business world. Following the trend, you can now customize LLM to boost its performance with highly customizable features. This is where GPTBots comes into play.

GPTBots is an AI bot no-code platform that can create highly customized AI business applications from large language models (LLMs). It offers a powerful interface that lets you choose the LLM of your choice and then customize it to handle your business processes. This way, you can expand LLM capabilities and make LLM tools work for you/your business.

The Benefits of Customized LLM Model

GPTBots helps you control your AI models' responses with comprehensive customization features designed to improve functionality and performance. Some of the benefits you can achieve with GPTBots customized LLM model include:

  • Assign specific roles and responsibilities to the AI bot.
  • Enhance context understanding to ensure flawless conversations.
  • Customize sensitive words to ensure risk-free responses.
  • Suit business needs with multiple LLMs without regional restrictions.


  • Load corporate data to train Al/LLM automatically.
  • Integrate your LLM with existing systems effortlessly.
  • Enhance the company's existing systems with AI/LLM.
  • Adapt LLM tools to your evolving business needs.

In short a customized LLM model with GPTBots enhances the application areas and makes the AI model operate within your business framework to drive efficiency.

Steps to Tailor LLMs for Your Business

Now that we have cleared the benefits of having customized LLM tools let's discuss the steps to tailor LLMs for your business:

Step 1. Set Up Your Account with GPTBots and Create a New Bot
Head to the GPTBots website and create an account. From the home screen, click New Bot > Create from Blank. Afterward, set the bot name.

GPTBots Step 1

Step 2. Choose the Right Model
In the Bot Settings window you now have to choose the right model. Depending on your business and local regulations select the suitable LLM model from options like OpenAI, Azure Anthropic Mistral Ali Zhipu and Baidu.

GPTBots Step 2

Step 3. Define Identity Prompts
In the Identity Prompts section provide instructions such as task descriptions goals format requirements contextual information etc. This will help the model better understand the user's needs.

GPTBots Step 3

Step 4. Set Model Parameters
Now you have to set the model parameters. These parameters can influence the formatting diversity randomness and quality standards of content generated by LLM. Some of the parameters you can set include:

GPTBots Step 4
  • Temperature: Lower values make LLM responses more stable and accurate while higher values increase randomness and creativity.
  • Maximum Response Length: Controls the maximum number of tokens in the LLM response (1 token ≈ 1 English word).
  • Context Allocation: Adjusts the proportion of different data types submitted to the LLM in the context to ensure optimal response.

Therefore set the model parameters as per your customization requirement for LLM tools.

Step 5. Integrate Tools
GPTBots allows you to connect your LLM with enterprise data and service capabilities through APIs without uploading internal business data. This way you can package your services and data as a tool and publish them in the tool market. This allows you to provide services to other users and generate profit.

GPTBots Step 5

Besides that you can also leverage the continuously improving number and quality of open tools in the official GPTBots tool market to enhance your bot's functionality. To access them click the "Add Tools" button under the "Tools" section and then choose the right tools.

Step 6. Internal Knowledge Input
GPTBots also allows you to train the bot with your internal knowledge base. For example if you are creating a customer service bot you can provide your corporate data in the form of website URLs user manuals FAQs and more.

GPTBots Step 6

Step 7. Integrate and Launch the Bot
Once you have customized LLM and created an AI bot tailored for your business you can use GPTBots wide range of integration support to integrate the bot into WhatsApp Discord Zapier and others or use its API.

GPTBots Step 7


LLMs have opened new doors for the natural language processing (NLP) landscape. This has led to exceptional growth in the LLM market and a stream of LLM tools. Above we have discussed the top 10 LLM tools you can consider for your business. So choose one of them that aligns with your business needs.

The recommended practice is to create customized LLM tools using the AI language model of your choice. That's what you can achieve with GPTBots. Its no-code click-based interface and extensive customization features make it best to tailor LLM for specific business processes. Therefore, it's time to create a custom LLM tool with GPTBots and drive innovation and efficiency.

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