
Jacob Morrow

2024-07-29 18:33:07

3251 Views, 6 min read

OpenAI regularly updates its GPT models and ChatGPT with new capabilities and improvements. These updates include enhancements in model performance, the introduction of new tools/plugins, and more.

Recently, OpenAI empowered GPT-4 to upload and analyze documents and answer users' questions. Furthermore, it expanded the context window to 128k tokens, which means you can input a single prompt with the content of up to 300 pages of a book. Simply put, you are now able to use ChatGPT to upload and analyze documents/PDFs.
In this guide, we will discuss in detail how to upload PDF to ChatGPT and also evaluate ChatGPT's effectiveness in uploading and analyzing PDFs.

Upload PDF to ChatGPT

Part 1: Can ChatGPT 4 Read PDFs?

Yes you can upload PDF to ChatGPT 4 without relying on a plugin or third-party service. In fact this functionality is also available for free ChatGPT users.

Here the important point to note is that ChatGPT is now capable of reading and analyzing PDFs but it is unable to learn the document accurately. Many users have reported issues and errors when they used GPT-4 to read PDFs. For example GPT-4 will report multiple errors when handling PDFs over 10 pages.

There are many reasons why GPT-4 is unable to read PDFs efficiently. Some of the key ones are as follows:

  • Unstructured Data Nature: PDFs and invoices are unstructured data. ChatGPT's document parsing capabilities are insufficient. This leads to errors in number extraction during parsing and makes the language model deliver incorrect responses.
  • Interpreting Diverse Content: Some PDFs especially experimental findings and financial reports contain diverse content including images graphs complex tables and more. ChatGPT struggles to interpret such PDFs.
  • Analyzing Lengthy PDFs: ChatGPT processing capabilities are less reliable for lengthy PDFs involving hundreds of pages which may result in incomplete content reviews.
  • AI Hallucinations: AI hallucination refers to when the large language model (LLM) generates incorrect or misleading results. ChatGPT has hallucinated data while analyzing especially when it thinks it is a typing error.
  • Remember Previous Prompts: ChatGPT may remember previous prompts and give a mixed response which can compromise the accuracy of its analysis.

In short you can upload PDF to ChatGPT and use it to analyze the content but it cannot guarantee accurate analysis. It seems best suited if you are uploading small-sized and less technical PDFs. Nevertheless head to the next part to learn how to feed ChatGPT a PDF and ask questions.

Part 2: How to Upload PDF to ChatGPT

It is now straightforward to upload PDF to ChatGPT and ask questions. Let's take an EEE research paper as an example and discuss how to add PDF to ChatGPT:

Step 1. Go to the ChatGPT website and sign in to your account.

Step 2. Click the "Attachment" icon from the bottom near the chat box and select "Upload from computer".

Upload PDF to ChatGPT Step 2

Step 3. Select and upload the PDF. Afterward write the prompt about what you want the ChatGPT to analyze such as “summarize the research paper in 5 points within 150 words.”

Upload PDF to ChatGPT Step 3

So what's how to upload documents to ChatGPT with a simple click-based approach. Besides PDFs you can also upload DOCX TXT ZIP PPTX XLSX and other file types. However do remember that there is a limit of 512MB per file for general documents and you can only upload 20 files at a time.

Now let's test out ChatGPT PDF analysis capability by asking a few prompts against the research paper we uploaded above.

Prompt #1: What are the key machine learning algorithms used for diagnosing COVID-19 from medical images and how do they compare in terms of accuracy and efficiency?

Key machine learning algorithms for COVID-19 diagnosis

Prompt #2: How does the feature extraction approach enhance the accuracy of COVID-19 diagnosis using AI techniques?

Feature extraction approach for COVID-19 diagnosis

Prompt #3: What datasets were utilized in the research for training and validating AI models for COVID-19 detection and what were the sources of these datasets?

Datasets used for AI model training and validation

Looking at ChatGPT's responses we can see that it is convincingly responding to our prompts. It is able to extract the relevant content from the research paper and present the details nicely. However we felt that its responses were complex and less reader-friendly at some points. Overall ChatGPT does seem an effective way to upload and analyze PDFs.

Part 3: Upload Your Documents To Your GPT-Powered AI Bot

Now that we know how to upload PDF to ChatGPT let's elevate your skills even further. Do you know that you can now upload your documents to your own GPT-powered AI bot?

Imagine that you have a powerful AI bot that can access understand and respond to queries based on the documents you provide. This is exactly what you can get with GPTBots.

GPTBots is a no-code platform for building GPT-powered AI bots. Its "Knowledge Base" feature allows you to upload your documents and train the bot based on the content of those documents. You can upload:

  • Files – PDF DOCX DOC TXT MD.
  • Spreadsheets – CSV XLSX XLS.
  • URL – Website URLs.
  • Q&A – Knowledge type structured as question and answer pair.

Once you have uploaded the documents the GPTBots will intelligently process and index the content. This enables the AI bot to retrieve relevant information from the uploaded documents and respond to queries. You also get the option to review its index content and modify the answers where required.

Simply put GPTBots empowers you to have your customized GPT-powered AI bot trained on your company's knowledge base and ready to respond to queries of your employees/customers.

Here are a few simple steps to use GPTBots to upload your documents to your AI bot:

Step 1. Create a New Bot in GPTBots
Head to the official GPTBots website and create an account. Then click "New bot" from the main dashboard give the bot a name and get started.

GPTBots Step 1

Step 2. Import Data
Now you have to import data to your bot's knowledge base. Tap Knowledge > Documents and upload your documents. You can upload files spreadsheets Q&A and more.

GPTBots Step 6

Step 3. Tune Model Inputs
Once you have uploaded the knowledge base and trained the bot you should fine-tune model inputs. For that use the Debug Mode enter some prompts and see its responses. You can also adjust the responses if they are inaccurate.

GPTBots Step 4

Step 4. Manage and Launch
Lastly head to the "Integrations" section from the left sidebar. Choose the platform you want to integrate and launch your AI bot.

GPTBots Step 7

That's it! This way you can easily create your GPT-powered AI bot and upload and train it with your documents.

Feel impressed? Head to the GPTBots.ai website and create your first AI bot right away.

FAQs About Train AI with Corporate Data

Q1. What kind of data is used to train AI?

The data type depends on what kind of AI model you want to train. For example if you are creating a customer service AI bot you can use text data like FAQs support tickets user guides and similar others. Simply put it all depends on your AI model and what data it needs to train.

Q2. How to train generative AI using your company's data?

The best way to train a generative AI bot with your company's data is to use a reliable AI bot builder platform. For instance GPTBots.ai allows you to create a generative AI bot from scratch and train it with your company's data. You can upload documents URLs spreadsheets FAQs and other data to the bot with simple clicks.

Q3. How to get training data for AI?

Suppose you are training an AI bot for corporate activities like customer service or marketing. In that case you can get the training data from internal data (emails knowledge base support tickets and more) public datasets data scraping and partnerships with data providers.

Q4. Can I train AI on my own data?

Yes you can train an AI with your data. You can use an AI bot builder tool like GPTBots.ai that allows you to create a customized GPT-powered AI bot trained with your data. You can upload your PDFs Word documents spreadsheets website URLs and other data and train the AI bot accordingly.


ChatGPT has become a lot more advanced over the years. Now you can easily upload PDF to ChatGPT and ask it to respond to your complex queries related to the PDF. Simply follow the steps discussed above on how to feed ChatGPT a PDF and analyze PDFs like never before. However you can elevate the experience further with your customized GPT-powered AI bot.

With GPTBots you can create your AI bot and train it with your own data. So if you want to create a customized AI bot for your business then sign up with GPTBots and get started with your first AI bot.

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Discover how GPTBots can simplify and revolutionize your business today.