Get Conversation Detail
Última actualización:2023-11-15

Get Conversation Detail

Get all message records within a specified conversation ID.

Request Method


Request URL


See API Overview for authentication details.


Example Request

curl -X GET '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer your_apikey' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          curl -X GET '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer your_apikey' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Este bloque de código en la ventana flotante

Request Headers

Field Type Description
Authorization Bearer ${token} Use Authorization: Bearer ${token} for authentication. Get API key from API Key page.
Content-Type application/json Data type, set to application/json.

Request Body

Field Type Required Description
conversation_id string Yes Conversation identifier.
page int Yes Page number to retrieve.
page_size int Yes Number of results per page, max 100.


Example Response

{ "total": 100, "messages": [ { "message_id": "645dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f", "parent_message_id": "", "message_type": "ANSWER", "text": "Hello, I'm a customer service bot, please ask me anything.", "create_time": 1683871849906 }, { "message_id": "745dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f", "parent_message_id": "645dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f", "message_type": "QUESTION", "text": "What are the features of JPush?", "create_time": 1683871849906 }, { "message_id": "845dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f", "parent_message_id": "745dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f", "message_type": "ANSWER", "text": "JPush is a powerful platform...", "create_time": 1683871849906 } ] }
  "total": 100,
  "messages": [
      "message_id": "645dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f",
      "parent_message_id": "",
      "message_type": "ANSWER", 
      "text": "Hello, I'm a customer service bot, please ask me anything.",
      "create_time": 1683871849906
      "message_id": "745dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f",
      "parent_message_id": "645dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f",
      "message_type": "QUESTION",
      "text": "What are the features of JPush?",
      "create_time": 1683871849906
      "message_id": "845dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f",
      "parent_message_id": "745dd86906931c4a9e0ffb1f",
      "message_type": "ANSWER",
      "text": "JPush is a powerful platform...",
      "create_time": 1683871849906

Este bloque de código en la ventana flotante

Successful Response

Field Type Description
total string Total number of messages in conversation.
messages JSON Array Message details.
message_id string Unique message ID.
parent_message_id string ID of parent message.
message_type string Message type, ANSWER or QUESTION.
text string Message text.
create_time long Timestamp message was created.

Failed Response

Field Type Description
code int Error code.
message string Error details.

Error Codes

Code Message
40000 Invalid parameter.
40005 Page number exceeds total.
40127 Authentication failed.
40356 Conversation does not exist.
20059 Bot deleted