Última actualización:2024-08-27


You can integrate the Bot service into your Telegram Bot, allowing your Telegram users to communicate with the Bot through the Telegram Bot.

Create Telegram Bot


Visit BotFather and enter the /newbot command. Follow the instructions provided by BotFather to create a Telegram Bot.

Once created, you will receive a link to your Telegram Bot and a token.

Configure in GPTBots


Enter GPTBots, go to 'Integration - Telegram', turn on the switch, and enter the management page.


  1. Enter the token obtained from BotFather;
  2. After clicking "Submit," a link to the Telegram Bot will appear here. You can send this link to your users, allowing them to access the Bot and start a conversation through this link;
  3. Click here to sync new Bot configurations from GPTBots to Telegram, such as welcome messages, preset questions, Bot introductions, etc.

Chat in Telegram

Users can interact with the Bot within Telegram by accessing the Telegram Bot link.

Groupchat in Telegram


In BotFather, enable group chat permissions for your Telegram Bot.

  1. Type setprivacy;
  2. Enter the name of the Bot you want to adjust group chat permissions for, such as "@YourBotName";
  3. Following the instructions, type disable to enable group chat permissions for that Bot.


Open the Telegram Bot's profile page, then click "Add to Group or Channel".


Select the group where you want to add the Telegram Bot.


Keep "Admin Rights" enabled, provide full permissions to the Telegram Bot, and click "Add Bot as Admin" to complete adding the Telegram Bot to the group.

In the group, "@" the Telegram Bot you want to chat with to initiate a conversation.