You can integrate Bot service into your Slack app, allowing users in your Slack workspace to communicate with the Bot through the app.
Create a Slack App
Visit Slack API, and click on "Create New App" to create your Slack app.
Configure Slack App
In "App Home", enable "Message Tab".
Enter the Slack app, find "App Credentials" in "Basic Information", and copy the marked information in the picture to the Slack configuration page of GPTBots, and click "Submit".
After clicking "Submit", you will get three URLs below.
Copy the "OAuth URL" and configure it in the "Redirect URLs" in "OAuth & Permissions".
At the same time, in the "Bot Token Scopes" of "Scopes" below, add four "Scopes": app_mentions:read
, channels:read
, chat:write
and im:history
Copy the "Event URL" and configure it in the "Request URL" in "Event Subscriptions".
At the same time, in the "Subscribe to bot events" below, add three "Events": app_home_opened
, app_mention
Go back to the Slack configuration page of GPTBots, click the link under "Authorization", and authorize.
Chat with Bot in Channel
In the chat input box of the channel, you can chat with the Bot by "@Bot".
Chat with Bot in Private Message
Find the app in the app list of the workspace, and send a message to chat with the Bot.