Get Q&A List

Get Q&A List

Get the Q&A list from the Agent chat history.

Request Method


Request URL

Request Authentication

See Overview for authentication details.


Request Example

curl --location '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
          curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


Request Header

Field Type Description
Authorization Bearer ${token} Use Authorization: Bearer ${token} for authentication. Get the key from the API Keys page as token.
Content-Type application/json Data type, set to application/json.

Request Body

Field Type Required Description
user_feedback String Yes User feedback.
  • ALL: All.
  • NONE: No feedback.
  • GOOD: Positive feedback, likes, praise.
  • BAD: Negative feedback, dislikes, complaints.
  • start_time Long Yes The start time of the query range, in timestamp format. The query object is the time of the questions (Q) in QA.
    end_time Long Yes The end time of the query range, in timestamp format. The query object is the time of the questions (Q) in QA.
    page Integer Yes Page number, starting from 1.
    page_size Integer Yes Number of documents per page. Fill in the range of 10-100.


    Response Example

    { "qa": [ { "id": "xxxxxx", "q_time": 1699891200, "q": "xxxxxx", "a": "xxxxxx", "user_feedback": "GOOD", "convo_id": "xxxxxx", "convo_type": "API", "aid": "xxxxxx", "user_id": "xxxxxx" }, { "id": "xxxxxx", "q_time": 1699891214, "q": "xxxxxx", "a": "xxxxxx", "user_feedback": "BAD", "convo_id": "xxxxxx", "convo_type": "API", "aid": "xxxxxx", "user_id": "xxxxxx" } ] }
        "qa": [
                "id": "xxxxxx",
                "q_time": 1699891200,
                "q": "xxxxxx",
                "a": "xxxxxx",
                "user_feedback": "GOOD",
                "convo_id": "xxxxxx",
                "convo_type": "API",
                "aid": "xxxxxx",
                "user_id": "xxxxxx"
                "id": "xxxxxx",
                "q_time": 1699891214,
                "q": "xxxxxx",
                "a": "xxxxxx",
                "user_feedback": "BAD",
                "convo_id": "xxxxxx",
                "convo_type": "API",
                "aid": "xxxxxx",
                "user_id": "xxxxxx"

    Success Response

    Field Name Type Description
    qa Array<Object> List of Q&A.
    id String ID of the Q&A.
    q_time Long Timestamp of when the question (Q) was issued.
    q String Content of the question.
    a String Content of the answer.
    user_feedback String User feedback.
    convo_id String ID of the associated conversation.
    convo_type String Type of the associated conversation.
    user_id String User ID. A custom ID marked by the agent developer through third-party means, used to identify the specific identity of the user.

    Failure Response

    Field Type Description
    code Int Error code.
    message String Error details.