You can integrate the Agent service into Sobot, allowing users of Sobot to communicate with the Agent through Sobot.
Configure in Agent
Log in to GPTBOTS.
Enter the organization, select the corresponding Agent, save the version, and click Publish. After a successful publication, click Integrations.
Select Sobot in the integration methods.
Copy the Webhook address on the page. This Webhook address will be used in the Sobot configuration.
Configure in Sobot
Please make sure to contact Sobot customer service to activate the relevant service before proceeding with the configuration.
Log in to Sobot.
Click Online Robot.
Click Robot Management.
Click Settings, enter the robot, then click Message Interface Integration. Turn on the switch, input the relevant information, and click Save.
Click Online Customer Service, then click Reception Plan Settings. Click Test to start testing the conversation.
You can configure basic information for other robots in Edit.
If your Agent needs to transfer to manual service, please configure according to the rules shown in the images.